King Legal is a full-service law firm based in Sydney & The Central Coast. Our lawyers are highly knowledgeable in all areas of Australian law and we have specialised education and experience needed to the areas in which they practice. Our Sydney lawyers take a very comprehensive approach to serving our valued clients, establishing a long term relationships and becoming your trusted legal advisers in any of the following fields:
We are aware that personalised service is crucial to our client’s satisfaction. At King Legal, a premium is placed on our prompt communication and a swift response to our clients’ wants. King Legal’s size allows for flexibility and attention to detail in all matters of law. It is our policy to ensure our clients are fully informed as each matter progresses. We also encourage active participation in all stages of the legal process.
While our clients and their cases are unique, a common thread runs throughout our practice and in our approach to handling matters: QUALITY. King Legal takes an prominent position in all legal matters we take on. We are tough negotiators and have extensive trial and litigation experience. We ensure our clients receive the highest quality legal services in Sydney & Central Coast and we move cases along swiftly and look for innovative ways to resolve matters.